TYT-IRS targeting tea party groups is a fake scandal

"Hundreds of pages of transcribed interviews reveal that IRS employees in Washington were involved at an early stage in the improper targeting of Tea Party groups — but at least so far the trail stops well short of the White House."*

An interview with an IRS employee at the heart of the "scandal" has revealed...there is no scandal. Were Tea Party groups specifically targetted by jack-booted IRS thugs?! Not so much. Cenk Uygur and Sam Seder (Host, The Majority Report) discuss.

as a state employee in Revenue (I work in IT though, nothing to do with taxes) I can attest that my coworkers have a wide variety of political leanings. But guess what. everyone works together quite well.

The media likes to paint this picture of R vs D with people at each others throats in this grand struggle for dominance with Machiavellian schemes as a matter of course.

It just isn't true. When you're a cog in the machine of gov't. It just doesn't really matter if your elected officials are R or D for the most part. People have a job to do and people have to work together and political bias just doesn't enter into the picture all that often as people might think. Especially when you're in the businesses of taxes. Either the numbers work or they don't.

Math and economics doesn't care what party you belong to.

Anyway, is anyone really surprised that this is yet another fake scandal?

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