A sampling of the seriously twisted logic and history from this Sunday's Republican talkers:
* Bush inherited 9/11 from Clinton (Mary Matalin)
* Since the taking office, Pres. Obama has refused to work with Republicans (Newt Gingrich)
* Republicans have been right to oppose Pres. Obama, but they have been bipartisan anyway (William Kristol), though every single one of them opposes health care (Mitch McConnell)
* Politically, health care reform is going to be the best thing the GOP could have dreamed of (Matthew Dowd)
* Republicans need to have a positive alternative vision (Newt Gingrich) and should run on repealing health care reform (Newt Gingrich)
* The health care reform bill is a monstrosity that we Republicans tried to kill (McConnell) but I won't say whether we'll run on repealing it (McConnell)
* Health care reform is unconstitutional (DeMint) but I won't commit to filing a lawsuit against it if it passes (DeMint)
NetRunnerThe Sunday morning lineup has been pretty lame lately, with people only bringing their average-everyday crazy to bear. This weekend we got a bit more than usual.
My personal favorite was Mary Matalin saying that Bush "inherited" 9/11.
HollywoodBobsays...I've been having difficulty trying to decide if Republican talking heads are mentally deficient enough to be sincere about the garbage they spew, or if they know they're full of shit and are just playing to the ignorant fools that vote for them.
Lodurrsays...McLaughlin Group (not a Sunday show) is pretty good stuff except for the one republican lady who lives in a different plane of reality from the rest of them, and adds no depth to the conversation besides letting us know what the official republican party response is.
NetRunner^ The handful of times I've watched McLaughlin Group it seemed to be a distillation of everything wrong with how the media covers politics. Zero depth, zero accuracy, 100% confrontational ideological hackery, and ultimately a huge right-wing bias. The most far out, wacky right wing ideas are treated as if they're rational, but if someone suggests that maybe there's a moral obligation to provide any level of social welfare it's treated as if the person just suggested that the only right way improve your car's mileage is to put ice cream in the tank.
kymbosWilful denial.
LostTurntableBush did "inherit" 9/11 in as much as Clinton didn't do a great job fighting Osama Bin Laden on his watch, but Bush just flat out IGNORED him. There's more then enough blame to go around on that one.
Lodurrsays...>> ^NetRunner:
McLaughlin and Eleanor Clift have the most balanced views and the most insight. Buchanan has said some remarkably progressive things on there considering who he is, and some remarkably backwards things.
The tone of the show isn't personally confrontational--they get worked up about ideas but they don't personally attack each other or their credibility.
kageninsays...>> ^LostTurntable:
Bush did "inherit" 9/11 in as much as Clinton didn't do a great job fighting Osama Bin Laden on his watch, but Bush just flat out IGNORED him. There's more then enough blame to go around on that one.
Actually, Clinton wanted to go after Bin Laden more. There was just this little issue with an intern's stained dress that the GOP thought was more important at the time. Had the GOP-heavy congress given him the OK, he probably could have found Bin Laden before 9/11 would've ever happened. After all, the attack on the USS Cole did happen on his watch, so you'd think that the GOP would've put bringing him to justice for it up on their list of priorities. Sadly, pursuing terrorists is only a priority when it makes one of their own look good for doing it.
But Clinton knew something big was going to happen the second week of September 2001. He even made sure to let the Bush administration know everything his administration knew about it. Condi Rice had been photographed several times carrying around that report, but I could never find a pic of anyone actually reading it.
That report was leaked not long after 9/11 happened. The media largely ignored it, however. It spelled out a number of scenarios, as well as counter-strategies for dealing with issues as they came up when it came to diplomacy and the Middle East. Sadly, none of the warnings were heeded. The rest, as they say, is history.
So let us place blame where it should fall - on the Republican-led Congress that Clinton fought with for 6 years. They repealed Glass-Stegall. They put more effort into looking at sperm on a dress than intelligence reports. They put party before country, and we're STILL paying for it, over 10 years later.
So Fuck Newt Gingrich. Remember, he resigned as Speaker of the House (who is next in line after if the Prez and VP are unable to perform their duties) because he was a fucking hypocrite who, despite being an ugly, fat sack of shit, managed to find someone other than his wife who would let him fuck her. His intended successor was guilty of the same crime, so they had to get Dennis fucking Hastert, a retired high school wrestling coach, to play third-string House Speaker. (And someone who made a living of watching young men grapple and roll around isn't gay at all. Really.)
And Mary Matalin must have her head so far up her ass she can see an alternate reality. Let's get NASA on that shit.
NithernIt is amusing to listen to the GOP talk. Often the stuff they accuse democrats of, they, themselves, have done worst. And one usually doesn't have to look beyond ten years, to find exactly when and where the GOP was a bigger hypocrit. It is like, they hope liberals are as stupid, dim-witted, and uneducated as conservatives who keep voting them in to office. Like, no one will look back in to history, and see if their actions and words reflect their current B.S.
For example. Republicans talk about, spending a trillion dollars on health care. This health care would cover 94-96% of Americans (who could keep their health insurance if it was better). This trillion would be spent over ten years, lowering the debt that is created through medical issues and bankruptcies. This, Republicans say, is not needed, as only the rich and elite, should be allowed health coverage.
Now, here is the hypocriticy in action:
2003-2009, six years, of paying $500 billion (a conversative number) for the war in Iraq. That's three trillion dollars in six years. The grand majority of that money was given to defense companies, and other 'cantering' companies like KBR. We were told by Republicans (most notably the Bush Administration), that Iraq had (and I quote) "Massive stock piles, of weapons of mass destruction". These WMDs were threating our allies in the Middle East (read: Isreal). So we invaded, put 50K-80K people to the sword, got 12K+ of our soldiers killed, and injuried another 70K of our soldiers. Not a single time, did Mr. Bush meet the coffins of our honored dead at Dover AFB. And in the end, we STILL< did not find a single WMD. Some how, we went from "massive stockpiles" to "nothing", after spending $3 Trillion dollars.
And that's just one of a few thousand things wrong with the GOP. After all, the GOP feels torture does not voilate any code of law, including God's. The way in which regulators, regulations, and systems put in place to monitor and keep markets from doing things they were not allowed to do....ultimately led to the collapse of the economy a year ago.
Yes, Republicans can't handle taking responsiblity for their actions. And they hope conservatives are to uneducated to notice. So far, it looks like its working.
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