Sticks and Stones - Fifth Estate

youtube - CBC Documentary describing the liberal and conservative influence on the american media.

Quite frankly, there is no meaning to these types of banter back n' forth, pep-rally, pick a side ramblings on these shows, left,right,black n' white, gray or otherwise, they all share a single distinction....Diversion. Issues are discussed, according to symptomology, not root cause. The pundits, easily forgettable, boorish, ass-hats. Name one, you state simply a name, of an idelogue , making money talking shit.....worse than a happy jello commercial, or being sold some fake gold at a flea market.

Hanratty, Lameballs, they have their pathetics, as do the other end, of the sprectum, all the wannabe actors, their causes, Al Gore and his spin-cycle, Clitless for president of United Ingrates, boy, you should have listened to your grandmother.....

Both camps, have emperors with no clothes, and basic common sense and a little history reading, should be all it takes, but of course, the media moguls in the world, are seeing to its demise, while building their little empires....Jeffersonian model would have worked fine......until that got snafu.....its the paradigm to cure, not the results of it.......

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