Spectacular Lightning Strikes in Chicago

Vimeo: By Craig Shimala: 'For the third time in the last 6 days, another line of nasty storms rolled through Chicago on Wednesday evening. I love coming home and being able to watch and capture nature's beauty from my balcony.

"Wed's storms towered up to 63,000 ft, unleashed 80 mph gusts, local 3"+ rains and 15,000 cloud to ground lightning strikes in a single hour." via @Skilling

Music: Sufjan Stevens - To the Workers of the Rockford River Valley Region '

This same storm system came through just south of Ann Arbor, MI as well...pretty spectacular. It was later at night though, of course, being like 250 miles or so away from Chicago. Funny thing was, it was hardly raining...just nearly constant flashes for the better part of an hour. I can't remember seeing anything like it, even on video. At the time, I was saying I wish I could see it without all the trees around, and now I did...yayz.

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