Shields: McCain Deserves Credit for Not Playing Race Card

Mark Shields on PBS's NewsHour, October 31, 2008

Apparently McCain deserves credit for not attacking Obama for being black.

Ya know...if someone simply doesn't do one thing wrong, that doesn't mean they deserve credit. It's like saying, "Oh, I know you just got raped, but at least your rapist didn't murder you. He really deserves credit for that, don't you think?"


^Name ONE instance (with video link, if possible) of liberals using the race card. Name ONE, BillO.

(I will accept your silence as an admission of your ignorance.)

And Shields, here, deserves credit for not demanding that the women wait on him hand and foot. He really does.


>> ^Trancecoach:
^Name ONE instance (with video link, if possible) of liberals using the race card. Name ONE, BillO.
(I will accept your silence as an admission of your ignorance.)
And Shields, here, deserves credit for not demanding that the women wait on him hand and foot. He really does.

Well, I'd consider Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Reverend Wright, OJ Simpson, Hillary, and many others guilty of playing the race card.

Show me where I'm wrong, son.


^No overt examples, though? No quote or reference to speak of? No link?

If Jackson, Sharpton, & Wright can be accused of playing the race card, then O'Reilly, Rove, and McCain can be accused to wielding white privilege. The reality is that race and class exist and that inherent differences need to be addressed. Just how, and with what degree of sensitivity, tends to become a matter of political will and opportunity.

As for Hillary, I'm still wondering what, specifically, you're referring to.

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