Sarah Palin: VP Is 'In Charge Of United States Senate'


"During the twentieth century, the role of the vice president has evolved into more of an executive branch position. Now, the vice president is usually seen as an integral part of a president's administration and presides over the Senate only on ceremonial occasions or when a tie-breaking vote may be needed."


Does Sarah Palin seriously think she is going to redefine the current accepted role of the VP in relation to his/her senate duties? In what is almost certainly going to be a democratic party controlled senate to boot!



In charge of the Senate?

I predict that if this becomes another "the McCain Camp Fucked Up Again" story, I'll bet they'll try to spin it this way:

Ms. Palin was merely trying to provide an answer that would make sense to a gradeschooler, per the interviewer's source.

Any takers?


>> ^shuac:
In charge of the Senate?
I predict that if this becomes another "the McCain Camp Fucked Up Again" story, I'll bet they'll try to spin it this way:
Ms. Palin was merely trying to provide an answer that would make sense to a gradeschooler, per the interviewer's source.
Any takers?

I think thats the truth. she took on an even more childish than usual tone in her voice and addressed the child directly by name. it does not seem entirely impossible that she actually DID try to put it as simply as possible for a 2nd graders eyes.


>> ^shuac:
In charge of the Senate?
I predict that if this becomes another "the McCain Camp Fucked Up Again" story, I'll bet they'll try to spin it this way:
Ms. Palin was merely trying to provide an answer that would make sense to a gradeschooler, per the interviewer's source.
Any takers?

Being the rapacious consumer of cable news I've become, I can report that Pat Buchanan made exactly that argument on Hardball tonight.

Well done sir.


>> ^White:

I think thats the truth. she took on an even more childish than usual tone in her voice and addressed the child directly by name. it does not seem entirely impossible that she actually DID try to put it as simply as possible for a 2nd graders eyes.

OK, then let me ask you this, if that's their position (which I do not believe):

Do you think there's a way to answer the interviewer's question that's both a) child-friendly and b) accurate?

I think there probably is.

But that's just a smoke-screen. Other interviews and Palin clips have proven that this is what she believes.

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