Ron Paul Truth on Obama Presidency 11/6/2008

LiveLeak: 11/6/2008 Ron Paul on CNN America Morning and discusses The Obama Presidency and the future of the GOP.

It's interesting how Ron Paul all of a sudden has become a popular commentator on the news media after he was ignored by them all during his campaign. I don't subscribe to many of his views, but it is good to see the beginnings of a reform of the republicans.


Thought Ron Paul had some things to say - until this. Here he sounds like just another sour-grapes republican apologist. "Young people didn't turn out to vote." !?! What's he smoking? True that on many issues, Obama is not likely to upset the overall powerbase of the ruling elite, but he doesn't have to turn the whole system upside down in order to help improve the quality of life for a few billion people on this planet.


I really hope the Republican party explodes. The religious right has perverted almost everything the party stood for. As a libertarian-leaning social liberal, the Democratic party's fiscal platform makes me uneasy. But not as uneasy as the ignorant, God-fearing yokels that form the Republican "base".

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