Ron Paul Defends Occupy Wall Street

Ron Paul is one of the few Republicans who said he agrees with both the Tea Party and Occupy protesters.

The Republican candidate defended both movements at a Q&A session with Patch editors in Concord today.

When asked about Occupy Wall Street, he said it was unfair to dismiss the concerns that are being expressed by the protesters.

He added that, much like the Tea Party, there are always individuals who make the movement look bad.

While he supports public anger towards government and banks, Paul said that we should avoid blaming businessmen who have gained wealth honestly.

Remember, there were tens of thousands of participants in the USA alone. If there were that many Tea Bagger demonstrators in one place that long, someone was bound to get shot Cheney-style. I hardly think the message was "overshadowed" by bad behavior, but I suppose that is a matter of opinion.

>> ^quantumushroom:

When asked about Occupy Wall Street, he said it was unfair to dismiss the concerns that are being expressed by the protesters.
Occupooper "concerns" are overshadowed by their abhorrent behavior.
another taxcorat and obama-endorsed and soros-backed mob.


Quantum, Andrew Breitbart is hardly a credible source for ANYTHING.

You'll have to do better than that. If Breitbart said the sky was blue I'd look out the window to check. You'd be an idiot not to with his record.

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