Romney's Abortion Record: Spin vs. Truth

Slate’s National Correspondent William Saletan zeroes in on the many ways Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has changed his story over the years on the subject of abortion.


I despair at the lack of serious contenders for the highest political position in the world. The fact that he is a mormon, should, given their tenets, automatically exclude Romney (unless we want to go back to the bronze-age, when religion dictated every facet of life).


>> ^A10anis:

I despair at the lack of serious contenders for the highest political position in the world. The fact that he is a mormon, should, given their tenets, automatically exclude Romney (unless we want to go back to the bronze-age, when religion dictated every facet of life).

There's a pretty serious contender on the ticket, actually.

Ever heard of this guy named Barack Obama?


>> ^NetRunner:

>> ^A10anis:
I despair at the lack of serious contenders for the highest political position in the world. The fact that he is a mormon, should, given their tenets, automatically exclude Romney (unless we want to go back to the bronze-age, when religion dictated every facet of life).

There's a pretty serious contender on the ticket, actually.
Ever heard of this guy named Barack Obama?

You know, friends of mine, quite rightly, castigate me for bothering to post. I'm starting to agree that it is pointless. Yes, you moron, I am well aware of Obama. However, he is not a contender, he is the incumbent.


Well, he does have to actually win the election to stay President -- being the incumbent doesn't mean he isn't in contention for the highest political position in the world. I'd like for there to be more good choices too, but it doesn't seem likely that the Republican party is going to provide anything like a good choice for the foreseeable future. At least right now the Democrats have somebody pretty good to put forward, not so sure the same will be true in 2016.

And yes, it is kinda pointless to post if you don't want responses. I can't even remember posting a video where someone didn't stop by to voice their disagreement with the message of the video, my posting of the video, my title/tags/channels, etc.

>> ^A10anis:

You know, friends of mine, quite rightly, castigate me for bothering to post. I'm starting to agree that it is pointless. Yes, you moron, I am well aware of Obama. However, he is not a contender, he is the incumbent.


>> ^NetRunner:

Well, he does have to actually win the election to stay President -- being the incumbent doesn't mean he isn't in contention for the highest political position in the world. I'd like for there to be more good choices too, but it doesn't seem likely that the Republican party is going to provide anything like a good choice for the foreseeable future. At least right now the Democrats have somebody pretty good to put forward, not so sure the same will be true in 2016.
And yes, it is kinda pointless to post if you don't want responses. I can't even remember posting a video where someone didn't stop by to voice their disagreement with the message of the video, my posting of the video, my title/tags/channels, etc.
>> ^A10anis:
You know, friends of mine, quite rightly, castigate me for bothering to post. I'm starting to agree that it is pointless. Yes, you moron, I am well aware of Obama. However, he is not a contender, he is the incumbent.

Pure semantics. Try referring back to my original comment. Read what it says, and try to understand that my contention referred to Romney and the other "contenders" - who fell by the wayside. I'll make it easy for you; There are NO contenders of any worth to take on Obama. There, you clear now of my initial meaning? I'm done, JEEZ.


Hey @A10anis, there's no need to get upset, certainly no reason to call names.

Maybe get some sunshine, whatever you gotta do.>> ^A10anis:
You know, friends of mine, quite rightly, castigate me for bothering to post. I'm starting to agree that it is pointless. Yes, you moron, I am well aware of Obama. However, he is not a contender, he is the incumbent.


>> ^KnivesOut:

Hey @A10anis, there's no need to get upset, certainly no reason to call names.
Maybe get some sunshine, whatever you gotta do.>> ^A10anis:
You know, friends of mine, quite rightly, castigate me for bothering to post. I'm starting to agree that it is pointless. Yes, you moron, I am well aware of Obama. However, he is not a contender, he is the incumbent.

I apologize. Sometimes I get a little exasperated, forgive me.


Sorry, I'm just used to seeing comments on basically every one of my videos that is either pure Republican argle bargle (Kenyan Muslim Socialist blew up the debt, so who cares if Romney is a snake who will say or do anything to get elected!), or some backhanded comment that damns Obama with faint praise from more liberal and independent minded people.

I thought your comment was one of the latter. Sorry I jumped all over you for it.

>> ^A10anis:

There are NO contenders of any worth to take on Obama. There, you clear now of my initial meaning? I'm done, JEEZ.

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