RickRoll Baltimore Flash Mob

"On May 3 Baltimore's Inner Harbor played host to the United State's RickRoll Flash Mob. On a bridge outside of the Power Plant, more than 50 Astley devotees gathered, paid homage by singing and dancing along to Never Gonna Give You Up, and then just as quickly as they arrived, the vanished... It left onlookers confused and curious, but all had smiles on their faces, their lives having been made richer by the experience. Enjoy a taste of the video and see more of Baltimore at www.VisitMyBaltimore.com..."

Article: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/bal-md.rickroll04may04,0,4649727.story ...

From http://digg.com/comedy/RickRoll_Flash_Mob_Baltimore and http://digg.com/odd_stuff/Baltimore_Got_Rick_Rolled ...

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