Red Light Runners - Police Video

LiveLeak: CCTV: 'Watch out for number 2!...Last year more than two dozen municipalities monitored dangerous intersections. And what the cameras have
captured, police say should be enough to convince drivers that they're in place for safety.

Police Chiefs from around the Metro area compiled videos from the top 10 most dangerous red light running violations for 2008.

We'll show you several starting with number 10...on St. Charles rock road in St. Ann.

The light is clearly red, but the driver continues to blow through the light.

Number six is from Florrisant on Lindbergh Boulevard and Lindsey Lane.

Watch as the light transitions to red.

The driver in the left lane is stopped...moments later a u-haul barrels through the intersection and runs the light....putting everyone in jeopardy.

Number three is in Hazelwood at Lindbergh and Elm Grove.

It's pouring rain. The white car runs the light. Not even breaking until its through the intersection. Other drivers are forced to scramble out of the way.

The most dangerous red light running intersection is in the City at Martin Luther King Drive and North Taylor.

A green SU runs the light. Slams into the school bus and pushes it through the intersection. This video comes as lawmakers are trying to ban red light cameras. This week State Senator Jim Lembke introduced a bill on behalf of Missourians against red light cameras.

They want to make it illegal to use automated cameras to enforce traffic violations.

Police say many intersections with cameras have seen a 70 percent decrease in violations. We didn't show you all of the violations. '

Upvote for #2. I can't believe that asshole kept on going like nothing happened.

WTF? It's not like these people are trying to make a yellow light and it hits red just before they pass - it's red for a while and they run it anyway. What is so important that they need to risk everyone's safety?


I'm originally from the St. Louis metro area (unfortunately) and can attest to how idiotic a lot of the drivers are there. Most of these intersections aren't that difficult to see a red light from a considerable distance away.. No blind corners or anything. These people have no excuse for running these lights other than being morons and not paying attention.

The last clip really gets me though. That asshole was driving way too fast for a school zone. If he had been doing the speed limit he would have seen the red light and been able to slow down enough to avoid going through the intersection.


What is the decrease in accidents? Red light cameras are working if they decrease accidents. The violations are only in place because they appear to put people at risk of accidents.

Still, pretty amazing video.

[Edit - also if you look at number two, the accident occurs at the far side of the intersection and just after the accident the lights switch up to red. I vote BOO and sensationalism, as it is only the car that is not involved in the accident (the one following) that is in violation.]


Yup, the cameras do seem to be working; taking pictures exactly as they were designed to.

The last clip really gets me though. That asshole was driving way too fast for a school zone. If he had been doing the speed limit he would have seen the red light and been able to slow down enough to avoid going through the intersection.

Um, seriously, that guy could have been doing 90 mph and still could have seen the red light and stopped. It was red for sometime. He probably was speeding, but what made him run the light was a lack of looking.

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