Quote the constitution, get labeled a terrorist by U.S. gov.

The U.S. Government now officially considers people who "make numerous references to the Constitution" to be "potential terrorists". Taken from the documentary , One Nation Under Siege.

here is more information about the broschure mentioned from the The Phoenix Federal Bureau of Investigations.

here is the front and back of the broschure


Here is a link with infomation about the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health passed by Bush in 2002

And the other sources used for the New Freedom Commission were:
http://www.icspp.org/index.php?optio...41&Item id=70

I've emailed the director of the film to get him to comment on how he is trying to connect the dots with the information he has presented and to provide sources for his assertions


it seems to me that the broschure being mentioned is not the officailly sanctioned FBI take on constitutionalist (although one shoudl wonder who in the fbi field office asserted this to actually get on the flyer)

the director then connects the dots to the New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (which has it's own dubious skeletons).

i personally think he's stretching to connect the two.


Hey guys, you want info on this? Don't ever tell the police any thing, ever no one was ever helped by telling the police something that involved their case. If they even touch their hand cuffs then you invoke your right to silence.

If you do this it has been known for police to release you if they know that they have no grounds for the arrest. I have no proof of this but I do know that as a trained security guard police have to do huge amounts of paper work. They better have probable cause to arrest you.

So do not proclaim anything about any thing. Don't say a word, until you get legal representation and even then let the lawyer speak for you and advise you.

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