Photo Montage on the Iraq War to a cover of Comfortably Numb

I flagged this NSFW because some of the images are disturbing, and rightly so.

The film was made by Kelly Gallaher from photos in blogs, in traditional media, and in photo shows. It starts with a Hemmingway quotation and some intro music before moving to the main presentation: The music is Dar Williams version of Comfortably Numb. Kelly says she chose it because at the time she submitted it, there were so few images of the real war and its affects on the people there.

If you wanted a quote try this..

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made or kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

John Stuart Mill

And if you want to take a stand against needless death and destruction why don't you compare the total American deaths in Iraq with the number of alcohol related deaths right here in America where we are "safe" Personally I think I have better odds in the desert than driving down my own street. At least in Iraq I'll have armor and weapons. Here, the liberals won't let me carry without cutting through a mile of red tape which results in thing like the Omaha shooting. If there were more armed responsible law abiding citizens there would not be lunatics on shooting sprees. I don't expect liberals to understand so I will just have pity for you and I will continue to fight for your right to be stupid and protest against the freedom you enjoy.


Well, reason, I like your quote. I suspect most of those who are against the Iraq war for any number of reasons (unconstitutional declaration of war, lies about the reason for war, lack of desire to be involved in other country's civil conflicts, etc.) would like your quote. I've often thought that "Shindler's List" and "Saving Private Ryan" would be a great, if emotionally exhausting, double bill. I believe this is what we call a straw man argument: those who are against this war must believe nothing is worth war, so they are decayed and degraded. ha ha ha ha.

Oh well. I'm aware those that agree with me did before I started typing and the converse.


Lunatics on shooting sprees often kill themselves. The threat of a vigilante taking them down would not stop them. It's a more destructive form of suicide by cop. The sniper on a tower picking people off is terrible, and shows how tactics can be used by someone wanting to kill, not just create mayhem and die too. The right to carry a gun != total safety from those wishing to perpetuate violence.

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