Holy Crap. Pat Robertson explains the Tuesday Earthquake in Haiti by explaining that when the Haitians, with Toussaint L'ouverture (he doesn't know the name and doesn't make clear that this was explicitly a black slave revolt for independence, leading to founding of the first free non-slave republic in the Western Hemisphere since 1492).
Robertson claims that in order to overthrow the French, the Haitians made a deal with the devil. And that's why they got hit by this hurricane. Seriously. In other words: Africans Achieved Emancipation from Slavery In Haiti Only Because They Made a Deal With Satan. And Now, As A Result, They Are Being Destroyed By Earthquakes. Nice one, Pat.
Why on earth does anyone still listen to these hateful christian telemedia fascists?
Unbelievable that his co-anchor - a women of color - just sits nodding along while Pat describes emancipation from slavery as a deal with the devil.
erikwdavissays...*kill dupe
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