From YouTube: If we're addicted to oil, our twelve-step program should begin with admitting that we have a problem. As the price of oil creeps higher, finding new energy sources is more important than ever. But the search for alternatives, combined with environmental disruptions, is putting new pressures on other essentials like food. There are some things that are going well in the world. Right now, the economy is not one of them.

Animation & Design by Chris Weller
Directed by Max Joseph
Music: "Genesis" by Justice

Where do we go from here?

Simple... straight o a global meltdown.

When a trend in a graph starts to look like this:
------ .---
--- .---- and growing. It has to fall... catastrophically sooner or later.
-- .---- because thats what graphs do... the data just happens to be us.


Ethanol is a government-subsidized racket. Subsidy addiction.

Climate change has been happening ever since there was a climate. Hucksters demanding more Big Government and higher taxes have latched onto weather, manufacturing a false crisis since all other attempts to seize power have been thwarted (so far). Power addiction.

There's an estimated 86 billion barrels of oil off US coasts and in ANWR, more oil than in the entire Middle East, which can be tapped and on the market in 2 to 8 years. But greenvangelicals and taxocrats aren't having any of that.

It's not an oil addiction, it's the people's addiction to Big Government to solve every problem great and small.

If you want more and cheaper oil, get government out of the way.
If you want alternative sources of energy, get government out of the way.

Stop letting the lunatics run the asylum.

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