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Obama's racist, anti-Semitic church of choice

Did you think Jeremiah Wright, the black racist buffoon that leads B. Hussein Obama's church of choice, wouldn't at least be submitted?

Someone has to ask the questions the lib media never will.

Are you really so self-important?

Is anyone ELSE around here going to question the character, experience, company, qualifications, morality and beliefs of B. Hussein Obama, a man who wants to be president?

Or are we just supposed to take affirmative action and hand him the keys because it would be impolite to ask questions or question the motives of a Black man?

Sorry to ruin the fantasy, but if I have to live in the real world with real consequences, so will liberals.


My aunt's brother's hair dresser's cousin supports Farrakhan too. I'm a bad, bad man.

Do you think if Bush's brother Jeb mentioned in passing he admired "a few of David Duke's ideas" the liberal-in-denial media wouldn't make it a screaming headline?

Receive with the same grace as what is given. This is not a game.


This whole liberal media thing blows my mind. I seem to recall them all over Clinton during his administration. They go where the story is and with what gets ratings nowadays. Don't blame the media because the Republicans have been abhorrent and inept for the past 7 years. Anyway...

I'll put it this way then: I have a friend who dislikes black people. He's not openly racist in the sense that he wants to assault black people or call them offensive names when he sees them on the street, but his positions are prejudicial and he has made some rather uncouth remarks in the past.

Despite this, he is my friend. His prejudice is unfortunate, but it does not entirely define who he is. I associate with him because the positives heavily outweigh the negatives, and he has been a loyal and supportive friend for a long time. This does not mean that I condone his distaste for black people, nor does it mean that I share his views.

I think this is something the right-wing fundies can't seem to grasp. Just because you don't agree with someone does not mean you have to disassociate yourself or hate them for it.

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