Obama's Brilliant Campaign Against Romney -- TYT

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Cenk Uygur discusses his opinion of President Barack Obama's re-election campaign. Why can't President Obama be this tough during policy debates not just elections?

from day one, it's been obvious that many many republicans are not really thrilled with Romney, Obama's campaign is milking that fact for all it's worth and good on them for doing so.

To Cenk's point though, he keeps attributing the success of Obama's campaigning to Obama himself though. It's his campaign managers and teams that really run the show. It's not like Obama himself came up with these campaign ideas.

So Cenk's argument that Obama is somehow picking his battles seems a bit flawed to me. There's a huge line between politics and governance. My theory is that when it comes to governance, he's a pushover...he's a nice guy. I think he honestly believed that he could convince Republicans to work with him. I think he honestly believed that everyone was ultimately on the same team. Presidents on both sides of the aisle have countless advisors. They're the ones with the influence. They're the ones shaping things. The president (again, regardless of party) is really just a mouthpiece and a pretty face for the camera.

The other problem is just simply people put way too much emphasis on the office of the President. People seem to believe the nation turns on a dime depending on who wins the presidential election. When Bush won, liberals were CERTAIN Roe v. Wade would be overturned. When Obama won, conservatives were CERTAIN he would take away their guns. It doesn't work that way people. Congress has the real power in America. It's the legislative branch that need to be scrutinized more heavily, not the executive.

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