Obama on Iran

Oh boy.

Yeah, he got quite the media firestorm for the first comment, and "retooled" the message. Instead of trying to make the point that Iran is harmless compared to the Soviet Union (true), make the point that Iran is still poses threats to our interests in the region (also true), because you won't get demonized for the latter.

I wouldn't want a President in office who didn't think both statements were true.

They should've used a clip from his speech before AIPAC on June 4th where he says he's committed to "eliminating" the threat of Iran, and then coupled it with the numerous comments he's made about the importance of diplomacy.

That way you still get the out-of-context flip-flop effect, but this time on statements that seem to be about an actual policy position.


I don't mind changing your mind on something, but recently it's like they traded him out with a republican clone. Iran does not pose a threat, just like Iraq posed no threat before that.

The same lies from the same guys.

"Iran is still poses threats to our interests in the region"
Insane statement, that means that all countries should attack and invade everywhere where things don't suit them.

Upvote for playing dirty politics and also playing on peoples fears, something he has been quite verbal on not doing.


Hmm, that extra "is" shouldn't be there. Now it's immortalized in quotation.

My main point was that the video doesn't contain any quotes about suggested actions to take with regard to Iran -- if it did, they'd have to show he's consistently advocated diplomacy, even in that AIPAC speech.

He changed his tone, from one that was dismissive of Iran, to one that takes it seriously. I think that's wise, given the way media-assassination works in this country.

If there's been a shift in actual policy though, I've not seen it.


Same thing happened with Bush talking about Iraq before he got elected.

Must be something they put in the water in America that prevents voters brains from working properly.


Some vital context missing from the video: Obama isn't saying Iran isn't a threat. He was saying that Iran wasn't a threat compared to the Soviet Union during the cold war, and yet diplomacy was still employed. He's just making the case that diplomacy should be an option when dealing with Iran.

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