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Obama: 2nd Amendment I know Ill get flamed for this :P

this is propaganda, but before you dismiss this as warped view of reality. Do a little searching on his voting record and gun laws.

Ideas like "I will not consent to search." "Free Speech is pivotal." These are all rights that we have as United States Citizens. We cannot take the word of a two faced easy speaker on the constitution. Not after the last one took a dump on Habeus Corpus, no torturing and 4th amendment. If one right is stricken then all of them will follow.

Next thing you know the writ of Prima Nocta is going to be reinstated. (wry attempt at humor)

If you don't like the 2nd amendment then don't complain to me when you cant own a weapon.

I can't upvote this video, even if you're wanting to use it as a vehicle for a conversation about Obama and gun rights.

I've publicly professed my ambivalence about gun rights. My view is simple: law abiding citizens should have the right to possess them, but I don't want anyone to be able to get a gun whenever they want, no questions asked.

I've not really looked into Obama's legislative past on gun laws, but he got beaten up by Democrats during the primary for saying he believes that the 2nd amendment confers an individual right to bear arms (before the SCOTUS decision that made that definitively true).

I don't think he'll make banning guns a cornerstone of his administration. Even if he tried, Democrats in the Senate and House wouldn't support him, and I doubt the Republicans would help much, either.


I hope your right, because I'm not voting for McCain. I didn't expect this to make it out of the queue, because I see it as worthless propganda because of the "Not ready to lead," shit they tacked on to it.

My view is, if you are gonna make an argument, don't ad hominem it.

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