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Nissan's electric car comes with talking monkey head

Nissan is following up its 2005 journey into weirdness, the Nissan PIVO concept, with an updated version that'll be on display in Tokyo. The innovatively-named, Isetta-doored PIVO 2 is a shaplier and more colorful take on its rotating-cabin predecessor, and this time around, the PIVO 2's driver gets some company in the form of the "Robotic Agent," a disembodied monkey head on the instrument panel that speaks English and Japanese and is able to help out with things like directions.

Compact Lithium Ion batteries power in-wheel motors, and the PIVO 2's wheels themselves rotate 90 degrees as well. Tight parking spot? Turn the passenger compartment sideways, turn the wheels, and slide right in or out. Then aim the cabin in the direction you want to go, straighten the wheels, and you're off, chatting with Robot Monkey Friend all the way. Welcome to Japan.


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