New Rules From Bill Maher | April 24, 2009


I've often wondered, would secession really be so bad? The backwards, racist, gay-bashing, fundamentalists all want to go start their own country and this is a problem because?


Fantastic new rules. Someone needs to smack a little sense into the republican leadership because their base is running away to lala land and if they don't pull on the reins instead of supporting and even encouraging such behavior, they will have to stop looking at 2012 as a good year, because there will be no hope left. 24% and dropping republicans, and with each new psycho pronouncement from a 'leader' within your party, you drop another percentage.

Andrew Jackson should be rolling in his grave at this point.

As to secession, it wouldn't work. Because you have to remember, these wacko's think this is 'their' country, and even if we could give them a sweet deal to leave it, they would refuse to leave the continent. The LAST thing they want to do is move to communi.. er socialist Europe!

That and they'd be declaring war every time a state allowed gay marriage.


Strange. Late last year I was reading Richard K Morgans "Thirteen", a near-future scifi thriller. Part of the background was that the US of today split up into the eastern federation, the pacific rim and "Jesusland" as it was colloquially known. While the other two parts of the country were doing ok-ish, Jesusland was fenced off at the border (to keep the faithful safe(ly) inside), stirring up trouble for everyone else and drifting into third-world-nation status. Oh and being slowly run over by radioactive mutant ants. But that's happening already.

At times I really wonder how fast fact catches up with fiction.


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