Microwaving wine in a box

They claim its not fake and have a second video with other shots here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YrzKfC_7jM

you decide...

Makes sense I suppose. The alcohol evaporated into a gas as it heated inside the closed container. When the container burst, the flammable gases made contact with heated metal components of the microwave, which caused it to ignite and explode.


When was the last decade during which microwaves with dials were still made?

Also, YT calls fake because the timer dials are in different positions in the differently angled video.


>> ^syncron:
Makes sense I suppose. The alcohol evaporated into a gas as it heated inside the closed container. When the container burst, the flammable gases made contact with heated metal components of the microwave, which caused it to ignite and explode.

You mean the heated elements in the back i guess? Because i'm under the impression there is no metal in the microwaving-area of a microwave as it sparks like shit off the remotest covering of even gold leaf on a cup or glass. So i assume the gases would have to disperse through the back to find some heated metal components (presumably a circuit board or some kind of wire?)

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