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"McCain's Pastor" John Hagee, compares Catholicism to Hitler

Talk about your double standards... can the media please shut the fuck up about that kook Wright already and maybe pay a little attention to the insane bastard who John McCain actively sought out to endorse him? I mean, the guy wants nothing more than "holy war" with Iran and Islam, nuclear preferable.

Teh h00kr an her BFF - teh monstah

1 Wun of teh sevn hovr d00dz (teh wunz wif teh bowlz) was liek "O hai, see teh punishmint of teh big h00kr who sitz on all teh bathtubz."2 All teh kingz had harblez wif her n evribody gotted drunk from dem."

3 Teh hovr d00d pickt me up bai teh scruffz of mai neck n taked me to teh dezrt. A womn wuz sittin on a red monstr wif drti wurdz rittn all ovr it. It hadded seven hedz n ten hornz.4 The womn was warin purpl n red, plus joolz. Her cup wuz full of nasti stuffz.5 "Mistri, Babylon teh Grate, Mama of h00krz n nasti stuffz" was rited on her forhed.6 She wuz drunk on teh blood of teh saintz. I wuz realli freekt.

Rev 17:1-6, lolcats translation


Or what about how McCain spiritual advisor Rod Parsley wants to eradicate Islam, or any of a number of insane things that Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson have said. In my book, this double standard smacks of racism.


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