McCain calls for the closing of Gitmo


I want to believe this, but he still tows the party line about waterboarding not being torture, that he won't discuss specifics, he voted against the bill that would've forced the CIA to use the Army manual as a guide for interrogations (which explicitly forbids waterboarding and other rumored techniques currently being employed by the US).

I want to know that no matter the outcome of this election, torture won't be something this country does anymore.

Unfortunately, I think when it comes down to it, McCain would cave to the monsters in his party who think that stuff is awesome.


I think you've got a point there NetRunner, but I also believe that it is very difficult to be categorically against torture. To say that one would never, under no circumstances, allow another human being to be tortured is something I have a hard time believing.

If 9/11 could've been prevented by forcefully obtaining information from one of the perpetrators, a lot of people would agree that while torture is never the right thing to do, it can sometimes become a necessity. Or what if the lives of your loved ones were at stake? Would you refrain from resorting to this kind of violence, even if it was your last chance of saving them?

I believe the problem lies within people's judgment. Similar to the invasion of Iraq, torture has not been used as the absolute last resort, but instead served as an atrocious shortcut, helping the current administration to reach their goals.


...because nobody in the democrat party believes that water boarding isn't torture?

My question is, in your opinion, why would McCain be more susceptible to the influence of others in his party than Obama?


He wouldn't....He could talk a wagon-train a horseshit and make the clods what need a ten pound bag a solid gold verbiage to tickle their pricks and come in their skivs happy about rounding up Jews and Niggers though-

Making gitmo into a cruuise ship stop would be a dandy thing-staff the crew with former detainees....bring the kids, half the place is now an afro-cuban themed water-park-

Buffet till 4am, titties and poker on the forward deck-


Don't worry got a whole bucket a votes and a kiss on the lips headed yer way......(The kids' gonna pop his fifty cherry any second now)

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