MSNBC Host Hits Dems on Patriot Act Hypocrisy

MSNBC host Cenk Uygur speaks with George Washington University professor Jeffrey Rosen on Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) strongly supporting the Patriot Act despite the fact that he opposed it in 2005. Meanwhile Tea Party favorite Rand Paul (R-KY) opposed re-authorization.

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>> Cenk:

What happened? I thought Democrats didn't like this bill under Bush. Did something change?

When you haven't been elected, the people are us. When you have been elected, the people are them.


@blankfist upvoted. I'm not at all pleased about it.

In terms of the "my party is better than yours" contest, here are the vote tallies:

Senate Nays by party: 19 Democrats (I'm including Bernie Sanders in there), 4 Republicans.
House Nays by party: 122 Democrats, 31 Republicans.

I'd love to grow those numbers on both sides of the aisle.

Some notable names in both lists:

Pelosi: Nay
Weiner: Nay
Kucinich: Nay
Franken: Nay
Leahy: Nay (and filibustered with Rand, not that the press or CFL mentions that)
Brown: Nay

I want more Democrats in Congress like them, and fewer like Ben Nelson, Joe Lieberman, and Joe Manchin (all voted Aye).

Oh, and this came up in one of my google searches in trying to find those roll call lists:

Looks like the House Tea Party caucus voted overwhelmingly in favor of renewal.


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