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Louis Theroux visits the Westboro Cult

Louis Theroux recently aired a special on BBC about "The Most Hated Family in America" - The Phelps Family. I have collected a few clips of this bizarre family over the past year and I must agree they are by far the biggest group of assholes I have ever witnessed.

In addition the Guardian printed an article about this special. And for more information about the Phelps Family visit the Wikipedia page about their church.

Here is a great Louie video podcast provided by

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, part 7

Its rare that simply by watching a tv show I've ever felt literally physically ill afterward. On display is the worst side of human nature allowed to go completely unchecked until it develops into a hideous monster of psychotic hatred. The absolute destruction of independent thought and reason in those children and its replacement with such darkly inhuman horrors is so completely grotesque and monstrous one hardly can find words to describe. The most crushing part was at the end when Louis was interviewing the 21 year old daughter, you could still see a slight glimmer of normalcy and rational doubt in there somewhere. It looked like she was about to cry when he really started questioning her because somewhere deep down she knows the insanity that's been indoctrinated into her is ghastly and yet she cannot escape the cult. Utterly horrific.


they dont kill people - so can they really be the biggest group of assholes you have ever witnessed?
isnt it somehow a crime what they do?!? i guess it's good if it isnt (freedom of speech and all that), i just dont see how the surrounding community puts up with 'em


okay, don't flame me. but these folks have the bible more right (honest) than most. all that hatred and bigotry is in the bible and they are just making it known. At least they don't play the used car saleman routine about their religion (meaning only telling people the god huggy feely stuff). please don't give me the out of context bullshit line either. go read the old testament and try telling me context makes all the horrible bullshit the christian god does to people okay.
for those of you interested here are some links to things you won't hear most christians talking about that is in the bible (either due to ignorance or embarrassment) this info is gleaned from


Okay, seriously now, here's what I don't get:

They think they are the ideal people, and God loves them, and they are promoting Gods true message, and they are going to heaven no matter what.

They also say that "God is striking down soldiers because they are fighting for a doomed fag nation". So basically they think that people that die are getting "struck down by God".

So does that mean if someone ran over all of the during one of their pickets, they would believe that God struck them down because he didn't agree witht them?

See...the logic doesn't make sense.

They're saying that soldiers are dying because God is striking them down, but a member of the Church died, they wouldn't believe God struck them down because they believe their church is sending the ideal message of God.

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