Laura Ingraham Vs. Mort Kondrake on O'Reilly

LiveLeak:'On Friday, Laura Ingraham took on Mort Kondrake, who recently wrote that the Republican Party was basically undone by being lead around by conservative talk radio. In Mort's piece, he specifically singled out Rush, Hannity & Laura. Mort's got guts to stand up for what he wrote, but Laura thinks he's got it wrong.

I love when the Republicans vilify people who dare to say that being too extreme is what made them lose the election this year.

Stay the course, my friends, stay the course.


That woman has no idea what's going on.

She's mistaken talking points for reality.

I bet you could count the number of times she criticized the Bush administration on one hand.


YES! Keep going right, keep going. You're headed for self-destruction.

I'd also like to point out how fair and balanced this segment was. The host was being completely neutral and I could not tell where she stood on the issue.


Wow, I HATE her. It seems like she brought him on the show just to scream at him and try to discredit him, rather than interview him and have a discussion.


The Republican party has lost all integrity at this point. I'm not sure what they stand for, or what they offer the public. They've become a tool of industry and billionaires.

This was true of the Dems as well a few years back, but progressives got pissed and got active. We elected Dean as our chair, started a 50 state strategy, targeted corporate dems and have elected the most progressive Presidential candidate in decades.

Dems are on the road to recovery with Howard Dean and Barack Obama, why don't Republicans elect Ron Paul as party chairman. I know the top down structure of the Republican party makes any kind of change that much more difficult for the masses on the bottom, but with enough righteous outrage from people like (Go Mort), it can be done.

Take back your party.

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