Klaus Kinski incredible Jesus rantings-master of expression

Klaus Kinski, the mad and brilliant german actor famously went on a tour in the 70s to deconstruct his own image, and accuse his fans of objectifying him. Make of this what you will, but I dont think you really need to know what he is saying. This is raw stuff.

From a you tube post: "He talks about the 'true nature' of jesus. - That it is hard and complicated to be a real truthful and good person. -
The people who try to disturb him are christians trying to deny his words and say that jesus is gentle and merciful.

Most important quote:
"I'm not the official Church-Christ, who is accepted by policemen, bankers, judges, executioneers, officers, chruch-heads, politicians and other representatives of the powers that be. - I'm not your super-star!"

I think Nietzsche is the first writer who pointed out to me that Christianity is a religion of weakness, not strength...of servitude, not leadership...of intolerance and conformity, not love.

It's a very wicked little scam when you really think about it: the promise of a better world after you die, if only you shut your mouth and do as your told while you're alive.

I stumbled upon a Danish woman's blog once, and she wrote about how she didn't want to worship a dead man, broken and hanging from a cross. She wanted to worship the gods of her heritage, the warriors and victors.

In a lot of ways, I think she's right.


Self promoting this video back to the front page; last published Saturday, May 2nd, 2009 9:24am PDT - promote requested by original submitter griefer_queafer.

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