Kissing a Tesla Coil

Shocking video of plasma playtime. Ohm, I believe he's missing a few transistors, judging by his significant impedance in capacitance for rational thought.

Faraday, Tesla, all had to meet the monster.....power and greed FTW. Farady would have been a team player-Tesla however, was not.

"Finally, in 1831, his experiments revealed a great truth...electricity could indeed be produced by magnetism. The critical component of his discovery, however, was that magnetism must be accompanied by motion. Unlike Oersted, who accidentally stumbled upon his discovery of electromagnetism, Michael Faraday worked diligently toward his goal until he achieved it. If Oersted discovered the magic doorway that would lead to the age of electric power, it was Faraday who unlocked the door. His public wondered what use could possibly come from producing a small current by moving a magnet near a length of wire--the Genie still needed to be tamed to become man's tireless servant. Faraday understood the far-reaching possibilities and is said to have replied: "What is the use of a new-born baby?" Further example of Faraday's wit is in English folklore. The Prime Minister is said to have asked him what use could be made of his discoveries. Faraday allegedly responded, "Someday it might be possible to tax them."

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