July 4th Tea Party - Oregon

A pretty dull teaparty in Hillsboro, Oregon.

The beef I have with these guys is, if they are so gung ho about the national debt, and constitutional rights, where have they been over the last 20 years, and why did they vote for McCain?

It simple amazes me that some one so shallow as yourself has to try to down grade people that are trying to look out for your future. Left wing wacko. Most of them voted for mccain because they knew what kind of disaster our now leader has us in .. we are not a welfare state sir ... and when is the last time you actually read that document the constitution. My I offer a suggestion .. why not educate yourself ... thats reading ... the 5000 year leap .. and find out for yourself what this country was founded on ... what this current administration is doing to shred that document ... I for one don't want socialism ... if that is your interest maybe you should consider going to lets say canada ... france ... we are based in the constitution and a free market system. that means you have to work for a living .. it isn't handed to you by the government.


Debbie, telling somebody to educate themselves after the kind of post you just made up above is the height of irony.

You've merely reinforced the sadly accurate stereotype of the uneducated conservative who is too ignorant to realize that the people they vote for and support politically are the very people who are screwing them over.


These people complain about high taxes, yet unless they are all making over a quarter a million dollars a year, they are enjoying the largest tax cut ever. They cry that their rights are being taken away, yet not one of them can name any rights they have lost in the last six months. They whine about the deficit, yet were silent when George Bush took a surplus and turned it into the biggest deficit ever. Lets face it, all these people are are sore losers. They lost the election BIG TIME, and now all they can do is whine and cry and play the victim. Fortunately, the majority of Americans see right through them and want nothing to do with these red-neck malcontents.


To add to Citrohan, I would ask Debbie where the constitution talks about socialism or capitalism for that matter. Capitalism was in its infancy, and socialism hadn't even been conceived when that document was being crafted. The founding fathers would be surprised at the ideological weight you give this 'conflict' between capitalism and socialism.

We are not a welfare state? What about medicare, medicaid, timber payments to alot of the folks in Oregon, and actual welfare. I disagree, we do help people all the time; it's only delusional people like you who think your prosperity (or potential---ha ha--prosperity) is due solely to bootstrapping it.

You said the current administration is scrapping the constitution. Where? Name the amendment and what the Obama administration has done to weaken it. Is that question making your head spin? Do you know what an amendment is?

I can certainly point to a few amendments and tell you specifically how the Bush administration and the republican-led congress have diminished my freedoms.

Citrohan, they were not only silent at the surplus was transformed into a record deficit, these yahoos on the video cheered Bush on as he wasted our money on tax cuts and bullshit wars.

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