Jon Soltz rips at Former Coalition Spokesperson Don Senor

Jon Soltz, of, didn't just refuse to be bulled by Sean Hannity, he got in former CPA spokesman (and now FOX News contributor) Dan Senor's face and gave him a talking to about the Bush administration's spin on the war:

"When you were in Iraq, I believed you. I trusted you. Our soldiers needed your leadership. You told us weapons of mass destruction, we’ve turned the corner in Iraq. So I’m not going to sit here and be lectured by someone like you. I just can’t have that. I can be lectured by Gen. Petraeus, I can be lectured by our generals. But you spun me once, you spun me twice, you can’t spin me a third time."

I love that Colmes just sits there like a stump, watching someone who understands debate do his thing. Outstanding work, soldier. That quote about being spun once, twice, etc., was clearly rehearsed, though I'm sure not with Fox's handlers. As DV once said, "All too easy."


horrible show. its always one side trying to muddy up the comments enough so they don't have to admit the other side has a point.

"(uh-oh, thats a good point, to which I have no response... I'd better make a sweeping generalization that incorrectly characterizes his position, so that viewers will to some degree associate his good point with something they disagree with, and so that he must then reiterate his real position while I yell over him...)"

Watch Charlie Rose! He is the lone voice of entertaining and enlightening socio-political discourse on television.


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