John McCain Said He Didn't Love His Country

Just goes to show that sometimes, trumped up smears can backfire.

I don't love america and patriotism is just stupid. I'm grateful for what my country (not america) has accomplished, but if people asked me if I was a patriot and I love my country, I would say hell no.


I think true patriotism means you love your country not as a dog loves it's owner (unconditionally, like many conservatives in America) but as one adult loves another adult: with rational acknowledgment of flaws and the desire to address them. And hot sex.

I am an American but I cannot say that I love my country, not with the Iraq war claiming as many lives as its claimed, all for whatever reason my president has cooked up in his empty head...

and being on holiday 36% of his time in office,
and for saying things like "We're having the time of our lives" during wartime
and "I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them. And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong signal."
and for leaking the name of an active CIA field agent to get even with her husband for being critical of Bush
and for doing nothing about hurricane Katrina besides photo ops
and for ignoring intelligence reports in Aug 2001 about Osama Bin Laden
and for spying on my fellow Americans and locking them up without due process
and for "Mission Accomplished"
and allowing religious dogma dictate his foreign policy
and for ignoring the Geneva Convention and torturing whomever they like
and calling evolution "just a theory" without realizing what a theory in science is
and for making investment banking losses appear on the public's balance sheet
and for running up 1 trillion dollars of debt all for an unnecessary war, a war that has claimed in excess of 100,000 lives.
and for being the most inept president I have ever witnessed in my 40 year lifetime.

...but we were good back in the day.

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