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Insane 4K Demo

"This is my contribution to the realtime 4 kilobytes visuals (usually known as "4k intro") competition for Inspire 2008 (held in Spain). It is a set of spheres with radious controlled by the Fourier Transform (without the "fast") of the music. It contains some realtime ambient occlusion and depth of field. It's done in C, using shaders (GLSL). Once again, it all fits in a 4 kilobytes executable (music, animation, rendering engine and effects). Music composition is made by Jose Manuel Perez Paredes (aka JosSs). The idea was to make something with lots of energy, and to see how well the SSAO does work with structures of spheres. I was very inspired by the experiments of Simon Geilfus on driving cubes with the sound spectrum. You can download and enjoy it without compression artifacts at full pixel perfect quality from ... "

I've downloaded it from .

There's a more technical explanation by the coder : "This ARE real 3d spheres. Each one is an individual sphere, no grouping or anything. It's 3d, almost any standard technique can be used here - as occlusion queries, shadow mapping or ssao.

I managed to make the ssao work with shaders 2.0 cards, I'm using 14 taps (without dithering or bluring, but eh, this is 4k!)

The spheres are raytraced, they are pure 3d. The thing is to bound the real geometry by a simpler geometry (say,a cube) and do the raytracing on the shader."

All of this is real-time rendered and fit in a 4kb windows executable.

As a coder myself, I'm really amazed and now, I return to my books ...

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