Hubble Operations Control Room

STS-125 is just over a month away with the final servicing mission to the Hubble Telescope. To get everyone excited and prepped we have Hubble Week here on In this video: During servicing missions the Space Telescope Operations Control Room at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center becomes a very busy place. This video was created by NASA and additional information can be found at

I once toured the science institute in Baltimore (it is at John's Hopkins) as a friend worked there. I happened to be there right around when the comet struck Jupiter. I saw some absolutely beautiful photographs of the event.

In answer to bigbikeman's question... I think the answer is rather straight forward. Profits. War/Oil-mongers in the government want profits. They pursue those profits at the expense of the taxpayer. We as taxpayers foot the bill for their profiteering. Is it cool? No. Is it productive? No, not for humanity. But it sure has heck profits.

The powermongers which run governments, not only the US government, seek short term gains at the expense on long term benefits to humanity.

Same old crap as seen throughout history.

Occasionally we get lucky and something good comes out of it. If only we could be more consistent about it.

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