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How Bush stole the 2000 Election

Democracy denied.

The website shown at the end of this video has no information on who is behind this propaganda. Why don't the leftists show some fucking balls and stick their chin out. Instead, they get their minions to post all kinds of crap on websites like this one. There are a few on here who obviously do nothing but make and post leftist shit here. It doesn't work.


At the end of the video it clearly states (right after the website info) who the producer of the video is: Vickie Burns. I am neither left or right in my political stance. Both parties have corrupt elements. Many people see this as an "Us vs. Them" or "Left vs. Right" issue, but in reality it's more complex than it is portrayed by the mainstream media.

"Why don't the leftists show some fucking balls and stick their chin out."
It is believed that many high levels of our Govt. (including the Senate) have been seriously compromised. People have been "showing some balls" as you put it, but the fight against established power is difficult at best. The record really does show that Bush illegally stole the election. The US Attorney that was investigating voter fraud was fired by Bush along with 7 others to ensure that it didn't look like he was being singled out. Think about it.



I agree, both parties are corrupt. That moron Cindy Sheehan has finally realized that the dems have no balls, but lots of promises. That's why there needs to be at least a *real* third party. I finally had to join one of the two parties in order to be able to vote in state primaries. Prior to that my convictions were with the Libertarians. I just see too much bias here, clearly an "Us vs. Them" mentality. I can't wait to see some William Jefferon videos on here...but guess what? It's not gonna happen. But, there'll be plenty of "Scooter" Libby stories.

So the left will support organizations to produce anti-right propaganda and the right will steal election...guess who's winning? You and I lose. So they'll both try to find a way to allow illegal immigration to continue to get the "latino" vote. We lose again.

With the advantage of the current mess in the middle east, if the dems cannot present a clear agenda other than "pull the troops out" than they are in trouble. The cannot win by just saying about how bad the current administration is. It's just not good enough. We'll see...


The man who broke this whole story was Greg Palast, the narrator and the man in the suit in this video. He writes for a British newspaper - The Guardian. His original article about this can be found at
If you're hunting for sources, you'll have to check out the book, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" - as they're all cited there and I'm not gonna type 'em out. heh.


Yet another in a long list of liberal conspiracy theories. When are you going to grow up? You are not "entitled" to the majority. If you can't win by talking about your true agenda you claim the election was rigged or stolen. When you do win you don't get any of the promises completed, or worse, reverse yourself once in power. When the left stops practicing politics by reacting to the latest polls and starts saying what they mean we will finally see them the way they are, retread hippies of the communist party. The 60's are over, move on and realize the me decade is over.


Obviously know nothing of the issue. Theres plenty of evidence about the 2000 election rigging.. but of course, if it doesn't come out of the mouth of a right-wing radio talk show host first, it must be a thought you're incapable of expressing.


The communist neocons want to create a ruling class in this country. They despise the working class people. That is why is so important to become an active voter and get out and spread the word. bush stole the election 2 times. Sure there was an outcry from the people but not enough to change anything. Look what we gained under bush - 3000+ US soldiers dead in the war on terrorism, domestic surveillance, tax cuts for the richest americans, skyrocketing health care, gas prices through the roof, unemployment rates through the roof, blackwater atrocities in iraq. Was it all worth it? Should we have to go through this again under another communist neocon dictator. We need to help our congress pass bills that will help the majority of americans by voting this election for a person that will sign bills into law that will help us all, not another bush clone who veto's anything with a democrat signature on it. The neocons have proven their hatred toward the middle class and the poor. There are more of us than them. Go register to vote. Volunteer. Spread the word. Get the neocons out of our government. This is a democracy. Not a communist dictatorship.

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