A captain of a small cargo ship encounters unexpected space turbulence and must get himself and his...companion to safety. Animation by Asim Zaidi, Sheridan College, 2009.

Overall I liked this film. The first act was cool and unexpected, it really worked setting up the character and the situation then straight into the second no messing about. I thought it was a bad choice to fade out before he hit the asteroids, it was pretty weak. I thought you could have got way more out of that scene if you saw the ship fly through with the asteroids colliding behind it.

It also has to be said that character was such a rip-off of Mr Incredible (I'm pretty sure some of the performance and camera angles were nicked too but I'm too lazy to prove it). Still I liked it


Good points, I agree with you. I was on the fence about posting it because of your reasons. (I didn't even think of Mr. Incredible, but now it's very obvious.)
In the end, I also enjoyed it, and here it is.>> ^acidSpine:

Overall I liked this film. The first act was cool and unexpected, it really worked setting up the character and the situation then straight into the second no messing about. I thought it was a bad choice to fade out before he hit the asteroids, it was pretty weak. I thought you could have got way more out of that scene if you saw the ship fly through with the asteroids colliding behind it.
It also has to be said that character was such a rip-off of Mr Incredible (I'm pretty sure some of the performance and camera angles were nicked too but I'm too lazy to prove it). Still I liked it

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