French speed limit shock ad

Anyone know what that yellow logo at the end is for?

French shock ad aired on one of their more prominent news stations. If they showed ads like this in the US, people might wear their seatbelts. This puts those stupid "Click it or Ticket" ads to shame. Different message, same jist.

Thing is, LittleRed, it doesn't really work as a seat-belt ad, but is a good anti-speeding ad.

Although I think a jerk would ironically argue that if you got ejected from the car (and survived) you'd survive the second impact... well, I know at least one person who made that argument, though I definitely wouldn't try to live by it.

This is *nsfw as you probably don't want to show this to the little kiddies... until they're old enough to rebel against your reminder for them to wear their seatbelts or speed, anyway.


A French ad? I don't know. It looks suspiciously like a news story about Bush, at the end of his 8-years term, being met by Sarkozy in Paris this week.

"Ouch, I'm a conservative train wreck."

"Hey! Me too!"

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