Fascist Exposed - Geert Wilders on Radical Islam

BBC News anchor shreds Geert Wilder's fascist ideology & arguments to bits while forcing him to sidetrack answers to 'real' questions.

Wilders ends up engaging in rhetorical polemic & the BBC anchor finds it hard to control himself from smirking off at Wilders' shocking views.

40% of muslims in Britain want Sharia law..
If they so dislike the current law and society, why don't the fuck off back to where they came? Where sharia law is implemented? Where they can kill their daughters for not wanting to marry someone they chose for them.

Good interview, in no way was Wilders shredded.


I have sympathy for Wilders. He's clear-sighted enough to recognize that Western Europe is, to some extent, between a rock and hard place. On the one hand, sustaining the current levels of freedom and equality could (I emphasize, could, not will) lead to the corruption of those freedoms. The values of most Muslim immigrants are in conflict with, for example, the freedom to speak one's mind against a particular religion, or against religion in general, or the freedom of women to dress as they please and manage their own lives.

On the other hand, the most obvious solutions to this problem, such as the ones Geert Wilders proposes, also corrupt the values of freedom and equality.

What should be done is far from obvious.

This is not nearly as much of a problem in America for a number of reasons. America has institutions in place for receiving and Americanizing foreign immigrants. Muslim immigrants are not more alien to American culture than Chinese, Japanese, Korean, or Indian immigrants--in many ways, Muslim immigrants are less alien. Furthermore, America tends to have a greater respect for religion in general, which Muslim immigrants appreciate, and a much, much better freedom of upholding religious tolerance.

In contrast, the term "Muslim ghetto" applies to many areas of Europe. Social alienation breeds discontent and radicalization.

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