FAUX declares war on Obama.

ABC and FOX are working overtime to keep Obama out of the White House, though the attacks have only helped him so far. Is it just me, or are our corporate masters beginning to sweat?

It's been a long time since America has had a government of, by and for the people. Are we strong enough to take it back?

Tags for this video have been changed from 'fox, faux, foxnews, obama, mccain, presidential, electin, 2008' to 'fox, faux, foxnews, obama, mccain, presidential, election, 2008' - edited by MarineGunrock


I, for one, and thrilled that Obama is getting relentlessly attacked from every direction. If that isn't a sign that he's the man to beat, I don't know what is. Power to the people.


Robert Greenwald's compilations would be so much more enjoyable if he didn't end EVERY SINGLE ONE with white letters on a black screen telling me to "Do Something". A bit self-righteous. Maybe if we all made media mash-ups like his, the world would be a better place.

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