The 9.5th game in the Touhou series, "Shoot The Bullet" is a different take on the familiar shooter genre. Instead of blasting through stages to save the world, Aya Shameimaru (your character) is a journalist who wants to get pictures of Gensokyo's powerful inhabitants and danmaku patterns. She refuses to fire her own bullets for fear that they may appear in the pictures, leaving you to dodge her opponent's if you want to stay alive.
Instead, she's armed only with her camera, with which she attempts to take multiple photos of the boss to clear each stage. Taking a picture has the beneficial side effect of clearing all of the bullets in frame as well, though once she has taken a photo she has to wait for the camera to charge before taking another shot. This video shows a player completing every scene in the second level of "Shoot The Bullet."
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siftbotMoving this video to DavidRaine's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.
davidraineI'm tired of trying unsuccessfully to beg for my cat videos, so...
siftbotSending this video to Beggar's Canyon to plea for a little attention - beg requested by original submitter DavidRaine.
gwiz665Freaky concept.
davidraineHooray for obscure videogames!
siftbotSending this video to Beggar's Canyon to plea for a little attention - beg requested by original submitter DavidRaine.
davidraineIt's been a while since I've tried to get Aya out on the front page... *beg
siftbotSending this video to Beggar's Canyon to plea for a little attention - beg requested by original submitter DavidRaine.
davidraineIt's *begging time again. Go Aya Go!
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solecistseems interesting. here's a link to the game download:
cyberscythesays...Upvote for Touhou fanboyism. I was thinking of posting Touhou-related videos, but I doubt that the userbase here would enjoy them =/
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