Dylan Ratigan tells it like it is, loses his cool on MSNBC

Fun starts at 3:50

You said yourself in the video description that the purpose of the video is the rant, which is at the older video.

4 minutes of extraneous video does not make it worthwhile IMO. I stand by my dupe, but if others disagree they can withhold the confirmation.
>> ^sme4r:

Not a dupe, this one is longer with additional footage>> ^Skeeve:


Stated purpose notwithstanding, the additional four minutes adds context and is informational. Therefore, it should stand.
>> ^sme4r:

Not a dupe, this one is longer with additional footage>> ^Skeeve:


FWIW Ratigan is a scumbag gatekeeper of the truth; the political opposite of Glen Beck.

Too many people are waking up to the whole truth, so the Ministry has to send out it's fake prophets to co-opt the message with dis-info and empty solutions.


The full range of his arguments are not entirely clear to me, but here's what I got.

1) Free trade leads us to send jobs and money overseas.

2) Crappy tax code means the rich are amassing huge fortunes while the rest of us face service cuts in the face of our deficit.

3) We spend lots of money covering the losses of banks.

4) Politicians who go against special interests get thrown out of office.

To which I could respond:

1) Free trade also makes imports cheap. If they raised tariffs and TVs and cellphones doubled in price, would we all thank the government for making American businesses more competitive? Back when it was actually possible to buy American did people do it? No. They went to wall-mart to save $5.

2) We voted for it. How many democrats have we seen clobbered at the ballot box because they presumed to raise taxes on the rich? The only Democrats who have won the presidency in my lifetime have done it by putting as little daylight as possible between themselves and their opponents on tax policy.

3) When banks fail we have recessions. When we have recessions, we vote out whoever is in charge. Thus, the government borrows and spends and bails as much as it can to minimize the cyclic nature inherent in any market economy. Is this good for long term competitiveness, growth, or our national finances? No. Does this stop voters (from both parties) from demanding that the government "fix" every economic downturn immediately? No.

4) Do special interests get special votes? No. They just put lots of (generally dishonest) advertising on the air, and voters are too lazy or too stupid to determine what is true and what is not.

In summary, why does our government inflict these horrible policies on us? Why do they suffer from such gridlock? Because we ask them too. We like living on borrowed money to buy cheap crap that distracts us from the difficult truths that a more responsible electorate would face head on. We have the government we chose and the government we deserve.


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