Drunk Driving

summary redacted

Something about this smacks of self-linking, though I don't think it can be proven. Either way it's fear-based propaganda, which I cannot stand. It's aptly placed inside the Fear channel, I'll say that much. I think being grossly intoxicated and driving is wrong, and should be considered criminal if you kill or hurt someone while drinking and driving, but the truth is DWI laws are preemptive tactics that are used to generate income in a community more than preventing deaths. The BAC limits are too low, and people who have a glass of wine with dinner can be arrested for DWI. This sort of scaremongering propaganda further fuels this lame civil-liberty destroying preemption. Laws are supposed to be written with reason, not passion. I will happily downvote.


Definitely seems like someone's High School project. Sorry newbie, but I would downvote it based on quality even if it weren't a self post. Hope you got a good grade for it though...


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if it smells like spam, it probably is.


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Tags for this video have been changed from 'DWI Lawyer, DWI, drunk driving, offense, crime, law' to 'banned, redacted' - edited by rasch187


Blankfist is pretty much right on. Average cost about $5,ooo generated for the city. When MADD first originated in the 70's a lot of folk were dying daily, I read somewhere up to 30! That is absurd. However, MADD went MAD with power. Not only is the BAC level to low, the breathalysers themselves are shoddy at best. Let's not even begin with the fact the Federal government blackmailed state's sovereignty by threatening to withhold highway money if the BAC was not lowered to .08 in many states.

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