Disclosure Project - Witness Testimony of Extraterrestrials

This is the first hour of a two hour documentary which distills over 120 hours of video interviews of dozens of highly credible military and government witnesses discussing UFO events and projects they have worked on, with introductory and overview commentary by Dr. Greer.

Sections covered in this video are:

*Secrecy Risks: what are the global risks if we do nothing *Human Witness Testimony: dozens of witness testimonies that are real and shouldn't be ignored.
*Witness testimony to nuclear weapons that were sent into space and destroyed by UFOs.
*Astronaut and Satellite Related Testimonials
*Craft and Body Retrieval of Extraterrestrial Origin *Secrecy Examined: how it works through the unacknowledged special access projects and compartmentalization. i.e. How some members of our Governments are kept in the dark.
*The Secrecy behind Space Based Weapons: its lethal implications.
*Threats and Ridicule: suffered by those wishing to disclose the truth.
*Why the Secrecy: and why it is no longer necessary.

If you have the time I would suggest watching this and the second hour, found here (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4694075066240662837). Very interesting. http://www.disclosureproject.org/

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