Legend Daniel Johnston on The Henry Rollins Show

His music has been acclaimed by David Bowie, Yo La Tengo, Sonic Youth, Eddie Vedder, Beck, Spiritualized, The Flaming Lips, Bright Eyes, and Matt Groening. Kurt Cobain praised Johnston's work, and often wore a tee shirt featuring the cover art of Johnston's 1983 release, "Hi How Are You?" The frequency with which Cobain wore the "Hi How Are You?" tee shirt exposed Johnston to an even wider group of music enthusiasts, especially when Cobain wore the shirt to the 1992 MTV Video Music Awards
His performances often seem faltering or uncertain; one critic writes that Johnston's recordings range from "spotty to brilliant."[2]


"spotty to brilliant" ???

Well, I'd have to say this one is Brilliant.

It starts off with full promise with a simple melody, then as his lyrics disintegrate in emotional resonance towards the end, so does his guitar-playing.

Just brilliant. He is very gifted.

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