Cult of Scientology takes over Clearwater Police Dept

It appears that the cult of Scientology has actually taken over the police force in Clearwater. There's plenty of on camera evidence and paperwork showing how the police have ended up on Scientology's payroll.

I know there's a lot of Scientology videos floating around the sift right now since Tom Cruise made an ass of himself again, but I think this is very important stuff. Between this, the stalkers they sick on their enemies, and the RPF prison camps, Scientology is a very dangerous cult. It's amazing to me that they could manage to get enough influence to actually buy out an entire police department.


Lurch, it's not 'buying out' per se, from what I've heard they work mostly through blackmail and scare tactics, although yeah, I guess what with the money they've amassed (=stolen) from member fees, frauds, scams and whatnot, sometimes it's probably outright bribery.
but please don't be that pessimistic, Trancecoach. While for now this might be as good as it gets - just raising awareness, etc., I think it's just a matter of time before they're screwed and people get some incriminating evidence and no legal team can save them. might take another 50 years, of course but better late than never.


Maybe I'm a little crazy, but I think if cults like this aren't stopped completely, very early they will persist forever. Look at all the negative press Scientology has received over the decades, yet they still continue on, and are obviously much more powerful than before.

What is most bothering to me about Scientology is that up until this point, they have very successfully blinded the majority of people to the utter batshit insanity of their beliefs and actions. That kind of control over the media representing something so large is very, very subversive. Ask yourself, did you even think about Scientology before the Tom Cruise video was leaked? (Excusing the minor random bouts of 'crazy time' he experiences)

If your answer was no, think of how much TAX FREE money Scientology have made at the expense of brainwashed people. Think of all the families that have been broken up because of what this cult does to people.

Cults like this, and for example - Jehovah's Witnesses, work in much the same way. They both use reinforcement techniques, isolation from normal social life and routine.. a promise of eternal life/happiness/insert cool thing here and a strong social network + reindoctrination sessions to back it up is a pretty well refined playbook for brainwashing anyone who's down and out or just looking for answers somewhere.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'cult, scientology, brainwashing, corruption, police, stalkers' to 'cult, scientology, brainwashing, corruption, police, stalkers, xenu' - edited by therealblankman

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