Cop Tasers Uncooperative Driver

What in the world was this moron thinking? Sign the ticket, argue in court. No, wait, argue now, turn your back on a cop with your hands out of view.

Are you guys kidding me? The cop asked him to turn around. Not only are you cheering on the cops you think the chick should have been tasered?

Sure he should have just taken the ticket, agreed...But if you watch the full length version of the video the cop pulls him over at the traffic sign (which was a temporary sign, so the guy might be used to a different speed on that road)so I can understand his frustration with the cop.

What exactly did he have to sign? The cop wanted him to sign a paper, I have never had to sign anything when getting a ticket, was the cop asking him to admit guilt? Maybe they guy has never had a ticket before, and didn't know what the hell was going on. The cop wouldn't even tell him how fast he was going! I would have been outraged.

I just don't get it, the cop asked the guy to get out of his car because he didnt want to admit guilt? WATCH IT CLOSELY and imagine yourself in these peoples shoes, as the guy leaves his car the cop is already putting down his clip board and is ready to draw his taser, why is the guy getting arrested? What act did this guy do to provoke the gun to be pulled on him, he was pointing at the speeding sign, that was. I would be taken a little aback from that situation. No provocation, no threats, nothing the cop just pulled his gun and shot.

If you think this guy deserved to be tasered, I feel sorry for you.


This is an unjustified title for the video.
How about "Dispute a speeding ticket, get tasered!"

I mean, the cop tasers the guy and escalates the situation. Maybe the guy hasn't received a speeding ticket before and find out you're supposed to sign, (I mean who signs for a ticket anyway?) but the cop immediately becomes confrontational and had the taser out ready when the guy got out, (which was because the cop asked him to).

Girl: "The first thing you did was whip out your taser gun"
Cop: "uh uh - that's because he looked like he was leaving."

And then the cop does a search of the car. Was the search justified?

The cop was missing tact, and was keeping his ego from being bruised. I don't expect the driver guy to be the perfect citizen either, but Cops have a responsibility to serve. This cop wanted this driver to get served.

I agree with Fedquip, if you couldn't tell.


Evenin' Fedquip,

First, in every state of the Union that I'm aware of, you have to sign the ticket. It is not an admission of guilt. It says that right on the ticket and usually the officer voices the same: "This is not an admission of guilt." (Happened to me the other day, BTW). It just means you were there and the cop was there and then if you have a problem with it, you appear before the judge and argue your case. It's not a big deal. If you have no problem and you were breaking the law, you pay the fine and it's over. Also, no big deal.

Second, contrary to what some have said about this clip elsewhere, the guy doesn't get tazed for not signing the ticket. Watch the clip. Check out the driver's right hand before Johnny Law grabs the taser. What the heck is he DOING??!! As we play it back it appears that he's putting away a cell phone. But how does that look to the cop? People get shot for screwing around like that. Does he want to get shot? Cop looks at right hand . . . then grabs taser . . . dude starts back to car . . . turns his back . . . cop can't see where homey-chicken has his hands . . . end-game. The kid is lucky it was only a taser.

If you get pulled over in the states, place both hands on the steering wheel when the cop approaches. Don't go grabbing for stuff in your car. Move slowly when taking out your wallet, registration, etc. Answer politely when spoken to. Even if the cop is making a mistake, now is not the time to straighten him out. Sign the dang ticket and take it up with the judge. Too many of these guys have friends who didn't make it home to their families after a simple traffic stop gone bad. You'd have to be living in a cave to not know that.

Did he "deserve" to be tasered? No. He asked to be tasered.

PS: The clip you linked is the exact same clip. Both are 9:31.



word up SC

I dunno, methinks the cop is a little paranoid no? You don't think this is the wrong way to react? I smell fear? The driver had a baby in the car, the cop told him to leave the car because he wouldn't sign a paper or did the cop think he had a gun in the car? Could the cop have many profiled the situation a little better, family man with a baby does not look dangerous, or have we begun training our cops to imagine the worst. Cops should be a little bit more professional and courteous don't you think?

It must honestly be a cultural difference we have SC, because I watched this clip over and over now and I honestly don't see any wrong doing, I see a confused guy who really truly believes he wasn't speeding. And I bet if the cop actually spent 1 minute to listen to the guys story he possibly could have explained the ticket a little better, and if you watch the video I posted you might see there is room for debate on the validity of the ticket, (I swear your video is cropped at the start, the one I linked to was 9:58.) Yes it sucks that people argue tickets, but what type of society are we descending into if we don't fight our traffic tickets. Paranoid fear filled cops with tasers are dangerous, and I think this video is an example of why.


Yes Fedquip, fear: (about 1:40)

Some examples of why, even if the cop is an ass, to be nice and sign the ticket. These are the kinds of things that are going through an officer's head when they make a traffic stop.

Here's another clip of a woman cop getting beaten down by a dad with his family in the car:

We do have a cultural difference. The culture changed some years ago when people started beating and shooting cops during traffic stops. You should see these guys come up to your car at night now. They come prepared for a fire fight. That's why I say, "be nice. Sign the ticket. Argue later." It's a traffic ticket. Now really, how big of a deal is that in the game of life?


The cop was plenty justified to use the taser. Paranoid? Of course he has the right to be paranoid. He has to wear a fucking bullet-proof vest to work every day. SC, you hit it on the head. Who gives a shit if the driver was confused? Who gives a shit if it's a new sign. That's why they are three feet tall and reflective white. The law is the law. EVERYbody knows that you don't EVER put your hands in your pocket near a cop. That's just stupid.
Eric - police gond bad, or police doing their job and protecting themselves? I'd say the latter. I will further my counter by putting this in my "Not all cops are bad, ya know" playlist.
The officer was plenty tactful, did not escalate the situation, and didn't abuse his authority. The driver got tasered once.
Feel bad for me all you want, Fedquip. I feel bad for you because you seem to think you live in a world where police don't have dangerous jobs.
Like SC said, signing a ticket is not an admission of guilt. Just do it, and dispute it later, no matter how innocent you think you are. So yes, he deserved to be tasered.


Bill, I think we inadvertently set off a firestorm.

Fredquip, hello, my name is common sense, I don't think we've met. Here's to helping you so you don't end up getting tasered like this kid.

First, reread everything SC, MG and the chogster said. Then, realize a cop (should) always have the upper hand in any situation. When he laughed about how the kid wanted to be in control, its because the kid had no right to be. Your society flops when police don't have control. Now, let's think about if we bes a cop and junior batman starts the shifty eyes and shifty hands trick. Oh, I'm sure he's going to his pocket to give me a 20! Bwahahaha since you were nice, you just got shotted. Yes, I would prolly have handcuffed the skank as well, she refused police command multiple times, and you never know when she gets a gun from the glovebox--she's a woman and highly unstable. In review, my name is common sense and I'd advise being polite and arguing later, a judge prolly won't taser your whiny little behind. Look how much you made me write, wow never again.


I dunno, I think Choggie is most clear on the issue, considering the situation we can at least say both parties didn't play their parts to perfection.

FWIW 14 seconds between the moment the cop asked the guy to leave his car and the taser was shot. The driver pointing at the speeding sign is all it took for to prompt the cop to pull his taser, the cop told the guy to turn around, he did, and within seconds he got shot. Can you not agree that the cop was a little fast on the trigger, there was no verbal or physical threats from the driver. The driver look scared and the cop was unable to verbally express that he was about to get shot, maybe if the guy knew he was about to get a taser in his back he would have taken one less pace towards his car. I think this situation could have been resolved without a taser shot to the back.

The cop also appears to be a liar...again fwiw. The cop said“He was over there jumping around...I said, ‘naw, not going to play that game.’ I pulled out the taser, ‘turn around right now or I tase you.’ I tased him.”

Watch the video again, this conversation never happened, the cop never told the driver it was a taser, never said he wasnt going to "play this game"..and I dont see any jumping around?

Sorry, maybe I am still in the early taser era mentality. When these devices were first introduced we were told they would be only an alternative to deadly force (instead of shooting a bullet, the cop would shoot a taser) But as time went on cops started using them to simply restrain criminals.

If this guy had a heart condition he would be dead.


I'm from Canada where we tend to view Americans in general and their cops in particular as far too gun-happy and aggressive.

That said, my view is that the cop acted correctly. The kid may or may not have been right about the speed issue. (In the video, as both cars slow to pull over, the cop's car appears to be between the SUV and the temporary speed sign, so it's possible the kid didn't see the sign as he says. No matter, that's not the time or place to argue the situation. After signing the ticket he could have easily gone back with or without the officer to confirm the presence -- or not -- of posted speed limits, etc.)

The kid refuses to sign. The cop correctly decides to arrest him. Then the kid turns and walks back to his car? Does he figure if he ignores the cop, then he's free to go?

At that point, the cop has to either physically wrestle / restrain him or use one of his tools. The officer prudently used a Taser, in the approved manner, as I understand it.

(Not like here in Canada. Here, we Taser victims repeatedly with prolonged jolts, then we dogpile on them three and four cops at a time to make sure that they don't get up again -- ever. )

Cop could have been more explanatory up front. Kid should used a little more common sense and diplomacy.


Fedquip said, "Watch the video again, this conversation never happened, the cop never told the driver it was a taser, never said he wasnt going to "play this game"..and I dont see any jumping around?"

Yeah, that was exactly what I picked up on in this video. It's interesting because we get to immediately see a cop's recollection of an event, and shows how cops lie under oath -- or even to themselves. Cops can and do flip out with little provocation, and then lie about it to save their asses, but our courts always take a cop's testimony over a citizen's. It's a really messed up situation.

I was in the car where a Texas Ranger threatened to arrest my dad and hold him overnight because my dad didn't want to provide his SSN (when we called to complain, they said, yeah, that guy has been having some mental problems...). I thought we were about a hair's breadth from being shot, all of us.

Personally, I had a cop pull me over while doing 65, and then lie about it under oath saying I was doing 87 (I had been, but earlier, not anywhere near where he pulled me over). I even found evidence showing that he contradicted his testimony under oath with his sworn statement from the scene, and the judge (who lives in a nowhere town and gets paid from issuing false tickets) ignored the perjury that I caught him in and upheld the ticket anyway.

Cops taser people waay to easily these days. They think that because it's non-lethal, it's okay to taser people in situations where shooting or beating them would be inappropriate. Of course, it hurts as much as getting hit with a nightclub, but they don't seem to consider that, do they?

His hands out of sight had nothing to do with him being tasered. Listen to the end of the tape -- the cop tasered him because he was "jumping around".


Not so by the way, here is what a cop is trained to do:

· Gain control of the situation
· Call your partner and/or call for backup
· Maintain control of the situation
· Make verbal commands clear to the subject
· Go one level higher than your attacker
· If subject lays hands on you, take him/her down
· Use whatever tools are necessary
· Never let subject return to his/her vehicle
· Keep the subject away from the vehicle and, if necessary, go to the vehicle yourself
· Determine when lethal force is justified; then, use it if called for
· Go by the book and lean on training as safeguards against liability issues
· Develop a scenario, a plan for any given situation.
· Be mentally and physically prepared to be a professional
· The issue of liability is not worth your life


Could the situation gone better probably but any moron should know not to argue with a cop (though he didnt read him his rights at first but i dont think telling how to do his job is going to make things better). I know in my state you do have to sign tickets. Its funny people are saying the cop read the situation wrong, it just reminds me about how people say to profile someone is wrong but then use it to say the cop was wrong cause he didnt profile good enough. I dont know, i have no moral authority here. I do think the guy and the girl (girl especially) were way to mouthy, you want to profile, im guessing a rich couple who were more insulted by a cop ever accusing them of anything. Just my opinion.


This cop tasers someone over a speeding ticket for going about 55 on a straight highway in the middle of a desert with no construction in sight (in a bogus 40 zone that probably only exists for speed traps). The cop started getting ready to pull him over before he even crossed the 40 sign. Then when the driver refused to sign the citation without knowing how fast the cop thinks he was going, the driver was placed under arrest and tasered. This cop should be fired and treated for mental illness, but the Utah Highway Patrol ruled that he "acted reasonably". Fuck the Utah Highway Patrol. This cop seems to think that obedience is the most important thing, and that makes him a fascist.

Your Innocence Is No Protection:
CNN interview:


Did it occur to any of you that the USA's death penalty and higher rates of police brutality are psychological reasons people might resist arrest? If the cops were friendly and courteous everywhere there would be a lot less "fuck the cops" attitude. It's not just about the cop's perception of self-defense, it's about the suspect's perception of self-defense. Brutal tactics by police officers make them less safe in the long run. Almost always the motive for resisting arrest is some idea of self-defense.


"Officer I'm going to invoke my right to...'

He treats this guy like a fucking terrorist. It's WAY over the top. Traffic violation. Christ .. next they'll be clubbing you over the face when you don't stick a quarter in the parking meter.


>> ^ShakaUVM:
Fedquip said, "Watch the video again, this conversation never happened, the cop never told the driver it was a taser, never said he wasnt going to "play this game"..and I dont see any jumping around?"
Yeah, that was exactly what I picked up on in this video. It's interesting because we get to immediately see a cop's recollection of an event, and shows how cops lie under oath -- or even to themselves. Cops can and do flip out with little provocation, and then lie about it to save their asses, but our courts always take a cop's testimony over a citizen's. It's a really messed up situation.
I was in the car where a Texas Ranger threatened to arrest my dad and hold him overnight because my dad didn't want to provide his SSN (when we called to complain, they said, yeah, that guy has been having some mental problems...). I thought we were about a hair's breadth from being shot, all of us.
Personally, I had a cop pull me over while doing 65, and then lie about it under oath saying I was doing 87 (I had been, but earlier, not anywhere near where he pulled me over). I even found evidence showing that he contradicted his testimony under oath with his sworn statement from the scene, and the judge (who lives in a nowhere town and gets paid from issuing false tickets) ignored the perjury that I caught him in and upheld the ticket anyway.
Cops taser people waay to easily these days. They think that because it's non-lethal, it's okay to taser people in situations where shooting or beating them would be inappropriate. Of course, it hurts as much as getting hit with a nightclub, but they don't seem to consider that, do they?
His hands out of sight had nothing to do with him being tasered. Listen to the end of the tape -- the cop tasered him because he was "jumping around".

Um, yeah, you were still speeding - it doesn't matter if you were pulling into a parking lot when he pulled you over. He still caught you going almost NINETY miles an hour - and you think that you DON'T deserve a ticket?
They don't have to pull you over the instant you were caught, ya know...


And no, it hurts like nothing on teh scale of being hit with a nightclub. It hurts like hell, yeah. But for 5 seconds. Then instant it's over, the pain is gone.

And one more thing - the fucking moron walked right up to the cop with no regard for distance to the cop. The cop is VISUALLY threatened by this - as seen by him backing up and pulling out the taser.

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