Controversial Levee Video

Watch this video while you can! From the uploader: produced a video that has drawn the ire of the American Society of Civil Engineers, which says the spoof, produced by Newman high school students, defames then. stand by the video, but says it pulled it from its web site saying it has no resources to fight the ASCE.
choggiesays... mixed feelings...could the culprits in the debacle, be a combination of the historically corrupt politicians of the state, the engineers who originally decided to build these crap levees that the Dutch studied, and concluded that even they were at a loss to come up with any solutions, and the folks now whining, because they chose to "dig in" below sea level, without educating themselves as to the state of affairs of planet Water. Sometimes, you have to abandon your sentimental attachment to the past, and move forward, in this case, inland, as the damn water encroaches......

The maps will change in our lifetime.....

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