Kyteman's hiphop orchestra has grown into a monster project. Starting out as Colin Benders playing all the instruments on ‘The Hermit Sessions’, at the live shows the stage is filled with 12 musicians and 8 mc’s. Kyteman's hiphop orchestra is immensely dynamic, divers, equally explosive and whispering, with lyrics in English and French. But above all, it is an overwhelming live experience. The orchestra has three violin players, a cellist, three horn player, keys, drummer, percussionist, bass player and of course the trumpet of Kyteman himself.
Kyteman conducts his orchestra with a top hat and a steady hand and without compromising his great trumpet playing. (source:
kymbosCool. Looks like a whole performance would be quite an experience.
kymbosCool. Looks like a whole performance would be quite an experience.
kymbosECHO... (Echo.... echo....)
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