Christians against Easter

Despite this video being of Christians condemning non-Christians, there's some educational value about the history of some of our modern holidays which I found interesting.

There really isn't any educational value in this film, aside from the correct claim that the church instituted holidays around the time of pagan holidays. (Which doesn't at all mean that the holidays remained pagan; they kept the trappings, but changed the substance.)

Easter has nothing to do with Ishtar. The name of the goddess of Easter was Eostre. It's probable that Eostre was the goddess of the sunrise, like the Roman Aurora; her name seems to be cognate with, e.g., the Greek goddess of the dawn Eos.

His explanation of the meaning of Easter is based on the Wiccan celebration of Ostara. (Ostara is a possible Germanization of Eostre, though the name is not to my knowledge found in any extant ancient or medieval texts.) Wiccan practices are not the same as those of ancient paganism. Wiccan rites borrow heavily from Ceremonial Magick (Aleister Crowley, Israel Regardie, and the like). That said, there are modern pagans who have revived the ancient holiday of Eostre to the best of their ability.


On the one hand, I don't really care. I think that everybody should pursue and practice their religious beliefs as they see fit.

What kind of bothers me is that there is a humanistic connection to these celebrations that need not be disparaged.

It commemorates the rebirth of the seasons and the circle of life, as far as I can see, and there's nothing shameful about that.

It's no more shameful or blasphemous than celebrating your child's birthday.


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