Cabrio Parking Win

Brilliant solution to someone stealing your parking space.

'Hey Wei-lin, lets go take video of cars parking in the parking lot! And if perchance we capture a humorous moment we can share it online.'

'Xiaoxin, that sounds fucking awesome! Hopefully a spontaneous, humorous moment will occur... right... now.'


>> ^bamdrew:

'Hey Wei-lin, lets go take video of cars parking in the parking lot! And if perchance we capture a humorous moment we can share it online.'
'Xiaoxin, that sounds fucking awesome! Hopefully a spontaneous, humorous moment will occur... right... now.'

Almost as clever as the setup in the video.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'cabrio, parking, top down, small space' to 'cabrio, parking, top down, small space, beijing, china' - edited by longde

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